San Francisco: Oakland, Grizzly Peak, Redwood Regional Park & more

On our last day in California we took the short drive to Oakland to meet up with an old blog friend, Kirsten. Although, she no longer blogs we still follow each other on Instagram and have been able to continue a friendship that was built through our blogs.
Before meeting up, Sean and I drove to Grizzly Peak to get the entire view of San Francisco. Unfortunately, my pictures do it no justice and I was unable to capture how incredible the view really was. The Lord knows I really tried.
After that we drove to Homeroom where we were meeting Kirsten for lunch. The restaurant sells so many different kinds of mac and cheese but unfortunately Sean and I were not impressed with our meals. I�ve just had so much good mac and cheese in my life so this just did not compare. Our drinks were great though! It was awesome that Kirsten felt like an old friend that I had not seen in a long while. We were never short on something to talk about and it all just felt so easy and natural. It is still so amazing to me how social media has been able to connect people who never would have met otherwise.
Kirsten brought her dog and it was so nice to finally meet him in person. He is a pretty big deal on Instagram, so I was you know, meeting a famous dog, haha. He is adorable and so, so sweet and needs to teach my dogs a thing or two on how to pose.
After we ate, we drove to Redwood Regional Park and it was amazing. The trees were just so tall (obviously) and incredibly beautiful. I�ve always loved trees for some reason and well, I was completely in eye candy land. I could have stayed here all day just walking around but we couldn�t since Sean does not have time for that ;). Afterwards, Kirsten told us that if we wanted to see another great view of San Francisco she had a place to take us. And she was right, it was a fantastic view but for some reason I did not take as many shots as I think I should have. When we were driving Kirsten back to her apartment we drove passed Lake Merritt which was also pretty neat to see. But to be honest, it wasn't something I thought we needed to get out of the car for.
We had tons of suggestions to get ice cream at Bi-Rite Creamery so after we dropped off Kirsten we got ice cream. It was good but being the ice cream lover I am, I've had some really great ice cream. Again, it was good but not the best I�ve ever had.
On our last night, we walked around Fisherman�s Wharf and decided to have an early dinner at Chowder Hut. We sat next to this gentleman at the bar and began talking. Come to find out he went to the same college as Sean and me, roughly twenty years earlier! We ended up reminiscing for our entire dinner, talking about our college and whether this or that was still there or not, etc. It was completely the best way to end such an epic trip and a reminder that it really is a small world.
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