Spring made an appearance!
Guys, we finally got spring like weather (80s!!!) and we made sure to take advantage of it. Good thing too because we are back in the 40s & 50s this week. Not nice spring, not nice. We first enjoyed coffee and breakfast on the deck and then went to the gym for a workout. We had big plans to work on our front and back yards after the gym as Mr. Sean did not rake up the leaves last fall.
Since it was going to be such a nice day, I decided that I'd help him, ha. I know how that sounds but I love informing everyone that I�m responsible for the inside cleaning & he�s responsible for the outside cleaning, also known as, raking, mowing, shoveling, etc. Anyway, regardless of how much work it was, it was actually very enjoyable & I believe our workouts earlier in the day helped to give us the energy we needed to work several hours in the front and back yards. But let's be honest, with the weather being so nice it made me want to be outside all day. The dogs were loving it too and practically took sunbaths the entire day.
After working in our front and back yards we took the dogs out for a long walk that way they could also swim in the lake afterwards. Well, Izabella did the swimming and Walker did the, "do not put me in the water" thing.
Since we took all of our patio furniture out from the shed Friday night, we took a quick trip to Wegmans that way we could pick up a few things to grill for dinner Saturday evening. I seasoned the chicken Friday night and allowed it to marinate overnight for extra tastiness. I have to say that if there is one simple thing we both enjoy it is having our first grilled dinner on the first nice day of the year. We make it a bit of a big deal the first time and it really is just a treat after such a long and brutal winter.

The cheap champagne was for celebrating closing on our 5th rental property and finally becoming an LLC :)
We soon added orange juice that way we could have mimosas, yum!

Since we wanted to enjoy the weather as much as possible, after dinner we went downtown for a little walk. Everyone was out and about enjoying the beautiful weather and it was just so nice to finally have such great weather and to know that these days will soon not be a rarity. I hope you all had wonderful weekends and that you�re having better weather than we're having this week! ♥
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