Sunday dinner

As I mentioned in a previous post, for the month of January we are doing a spending freeze on unnecessary purchases. Upon deciding this we also agreed that date nights at restaurants for the month of January would also be eliminated. We even went a step further and also decided that we wouldn�t drink any alcohol for the month of January to help assist with our no spend January. It�s not difficult to notice that a bottle of wine here and there does eventually add up but if I�m to be honest, I don�t think this is something we�d continue during our no spend months because there�s nothing like a nice glass of wine on the weekends.
Sunday dinners for the month of January have felt like date nights and it has actually been really nice. Granted we don�t go the extra step by dressing up for dinner but to be honest, what�s better than being able to eat a delicious home cooked meal while dressed in your favorite, old and rather ratty tee-shirt? Not much, right?
This particular Sunday dinner we talked about how much we have enjoyed keeping track of where our dollars are going, we talked about the fact that it was two years from when I was hospitalized and how life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it. Sunday dinners have set time aside for us to talk about the last week, what we thought we did great and to also reflect on what we thought we could do better. It has been such a great addition to our everyday lives and we hope to continue it for years to come.
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