
Last year, around this time I was just getting back into the swing of things. I was back to work, able to walk and exercise and getting my strength back. Best of all, I was off narcotics! I was still on blood thinners but at least not on narcotics. My left leg was still pretty weak and if I sat down for more than an hour, when I got up I limped for about five minutes before my stride returned to normal.
How am I now?
I am off the blood thinners! The filter that was placed in my chest has been removed. For the most part, I am back to who I was before my complications last year. My left leg is not the same, not sure that it ever will be. It still swells and I need to wear compression stockings for the rest of my life. Although, I�ve learned that if I�m going to be moving for most of the day, I can go without (hallelujah!). At work, I have to wear it since I work a desk job and sit for most of the day. If I don�t wear it at work my leg swells considerably and I'm uncomfortable the entire day. And well, it's just not worth it not to.
I use to say that my legs
My stomach has a very visible 10 inch scar but the inside of it has not felt better. I don't get the awful cramps I use to get and I hardly feel bloated; I use to feel bloated all the time. I'll take the scar over the discomfort I use to feel on the regular.
Sean and I have been talking about our futures and what we want with our life. We have lots of plans! We are even talking about adoption. Just talking. We�ve always wanted kids and if I�m to be honest, in college I use to tell my girlfriends that I was going to have the United Nation of kids and they would ask, how? And I would reply, I�m going to adopt the world. I was half joking. There�s a lot of research we have to do and it is not something that happens quickly so I was hesitant to even bring it up on here just in case things don�t pan out. But it�s where we are right now and if things change in the future, that�s OK. Things change. If there�s one thing I�ve learned in the last few years is that things change and we just have to move with them. We have no choice, really.
So, I�m in good health. I have good days & bad days. Some days my eyes well up with tears when I think that I�m not even sad. It�s a strange thing. I�m learning a lot about myself. I�m coping with sadness, grief and loss but I also am so grateful to be here; living.
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