Scenes from the weekend.

Last weekend was such a good one and even though this weekend is already upon us, I felt the need to recap it like I use to do in my early days of blogging.
For Sean's birthday he had one request; and it was that we go to the shooting range. I was apprehensive but because it was his birthday request, I took a half day last Friday and we went to the shooting range. It was my first time shooting a gun and this girl was scared. I did hit my target twice so that was kinda neat. Sean was a pro. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing, ha.
Saturday afternoon, Sean booked a couple massage and it was incredible. I felt so loose and like any tension I had in my body was erased. It is something that we both agreed that we should do regularly.
Saturday night we went out with some of Sean's co-workers and we had a really good time. As much as I like to spend time with people I already know it is sometimes necessary to break away and meet new people. Although I did not walk away with people I think we'll hang out with on the regular, it was still a welcomed change.
Sunday was a very go with the flow day and more and more I�m loving weekends where we have zero plans and the only time we leave the house is to get warm bagels from the local bagel shop and take the dogs for a long walk by the water.
Sunday consisted of drinking coffee, enjoying pizza on the deck (yay for weather in the 60s!), preparing our meals for the week and watching multiple episodes of Shameless. What a guilty pleasure that show is! Every time I watch it I want to clean my entire house.
At the moment I�m looking forward to warmer weather and rustling up some new recipes. I�m also looking forward to planning a relaxing girl�s trip to the Hamptons! Has anyone been? Any recommendations? The only thing we know is that we want to soak up as much time on the beach drinking cocktails and eating good food.
Here are some random everyday shots I took over the weekend.

In one of the courses I took in college I learned that the pineapple is the symbol for hospitality.
What better symbol to have in your home than hospitality?
What better symbol to have in your home than hospitality?

I hope you all have blissful weekends! ♥
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