Our Christmas Tree.

Last year I could not wait to put up our Christmas d�cor. This year I did not have that excitement. I felt more like it was an obligation to do so; kind of like what is expected when you�re an adult. Even buying Christmas gifts did not get me in the mood which is surprising because I love shopping for gifts; but this year, not so much. Don�t even get me started on the wrapping of said gifts. I�m tempted to give the gifts we bought in the shopping bags they came home in.

But I�m trying to shake it off, choosing to move with the motions and hoping that my attitude will catch up with the festive, happy feels I should be having. This is my favorite time of the year so it hurts me a little more that this year, it's just not.

I took pictures of our tree and had intentions of taking a ridiculous amount of pictures around our house but once I was done taking numerous pictures of the tree I was over it. And if I�m to be honest, my house looks pretty much like it did last year with just a few minor changes that are not that important to point out.

I�m hoping that I�ll begin the new year feeling jolly and positive but guys, I hate to admit it but I�m down in the dumps. This is also why it has been difficult to blog in the last month because I�ll have you all feeling blue and well, no one comes here for that.

I will admit that although I chose not to hang up our stockings, decorate our dining room and put lights outside of our house, etc, I am glad I sucked it up and put up the tree. It really is so nice to get home and be greeted by the tree. As soon as I get home and all my outerwear is off, the lights on the tree are immediately put on. I pour myself a glass of wine and take a seat to have a full view of the tree. I�ve been using the tree as an excuse for distracting me when I should be doing chores.
And although I was not enthusiastic to decorate our tree, this is my favorite tree yet. I love that I added the beaded garland this year as it adds a little something to the tree. Not sure what the something is but it's something.

I hope that you all are enjoying the most wonderful time of the year. And if you are feeling blue like me, I�m saying an extra prayer for you. Sending so much love to you all and wishing you a Merry, Merry Christmas.
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