Thanksgiving 2016
This Thanksgiving was different, not necessarily in a bad way but in a very quiet way. I am so use to waking up abruptly to the noise of my alarm clock along with a hint of urgency to get up fast, pack things and get on the road. This Thanksgiving I woke up slowly and leisurely. I was in no rush and it felt kinda nice to just wake up at my own pace. I sat down in the kitchen with a cup of coffee and made a to-do list of things to accomplish that day.
Our menu was turkey, stuffing with dried cranberries, baked broccoli, corn, mashed potatoes and corn muffins. Sean had to reel me in a bit because I wanted to make so much more and he had to keep on reminding me that I'm cooking for just two. I'm glad he did that because even with taking all of that into consideration we have leftovers for days, maybe even weeks.
I missed the commotion. I missed the noise. I missed my niece and nephew running like maniacs from room to room. I missed cooking with my sisters in a kitchen not made to fit us all. I missed my family. But when we sat down to eat and Sean told me that he was grateful for me and the fact that I chose to spend it with him that way he could have Thanksgiving too (he works on Thanksgiving Day) it made it all worth it.
We played music, ate too much and we laughed before he left for work. And while I won�t say that it was my favorite Thanksgiving Day, I will say that it was special and it was different and I liked it.
I love any excuse to take out the china we received at my bridal shower from my sister, Emma. I would love to take it out more often but they tend to come out only during the holidays. I kept our table very simple with just a few pumpkins to ensure there was enough room to fit all the food that I prepared. Here�s a few pictures of my Thanksgiving day. One thing that is certainly missing from other recaps is the beautiful faces that I'm lucky enough to call family.

This year I�ve had so much time to contemplate on everything. I feel like I�ve never been surer of who I am and what I want. This year was not the best. I can�t remember my last good year if I�m to be honest but this year I�ve seen more growth in who I am and what I want out of this life. I�m thankful that with pain comes growth and with growth comes understanding.
I hope that you all had wonderful Thanksgivings! ♥
Now time to start that Christmas decorating! Can't believe how quickly that came!
Our menu was turkey, stuffing with dried cranberries, baked broccoli, corn, mashed potatoes and corn muffins. Sean had to reel me in a bit because I wanted to make so much more and he had to keep on reminding me that I'm cooking for just two. I'm glad he did that because even with taking all of that into consideration we have leftovers for days, maybe even weeks.
I missed the commotion. I missed the noise. I missed my niece and nephew running like maniacs from room to room. I missed cooking with my sisters in a kitchen not made to fit us all. I missed my family. But when we sat down to eat and Sean told me that he was grateful for me and the fact that I chose to spend it with him that way he could have Thanksgiving too (he works on Thanksgiving Day) it made it all worth it.
We played music, ate too much and we laughed before he left for work. And while I won�t say that it was my favorite Thanksgiving Day, I will say that it was special and it was different and I liked it.
I love any excuse to take out the china we received at my bridal shower from my sister, Emma. I would love to take it out more often but they tend to come out only during the holidays. I kept our table very simple with just a few pumpkins to ensure there was enough room to fit all the food that I prepared. Here�s a few pictures of my Thanksgiving day. One thing that is certainly missing from other recaps is the beautiful faces that I'm lucky enough to call family.

This year I�ve had so much time to contemplate on everything. I feel like I�ve never been surer of who I am and what I want. This year was not the best. I can�t remember my last good year if I�m to be honest but this year I�ve seen more growth in who I am and what I want out of this life. I�m thankful that with pain comes growth and with growth comes understanding.
I hope that you all had wonderful Thanksgivings! ♥
Now time to start that Christmas decorating! Can't believe how quickly that came!
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