Let's do all the Fall things.

When Sean and I moved to Pennsylvania three years ago we arrived during the Fall season. We made it a point to check out the nearest pumpkin patch and I remember loving it so much, especially the apple cider donuts. It was such a good day and we said we�d do it again but life got in the way and good ole pumpkin picking was no longer a priority.
A few months ago, Cinthia told me that she had never gone pumpkin picking so I told her that we�d fix this immediately because there was no way this was allowed when we lived in such close proximity to several pumpkin patches. Because I already knew that the pumpkin patch we visited three years prior was a hit that was the one we decided on.
The day we chose was the best day for pumpkin picking as there was truly a Fall like quality in the air, you know that good, crisp feeling. Not too hot, not too cold, just that perfect Fall weather with the addition of the brightest blue sky. We had a great day picking up the best pumpkins to adorn our front entrances, slurping apple cider slushies and eating apple cider donuts.

It�s days like these that really make me appreciate the small joys in life. This kind of activity does not involve a lot of money nor does it involve much planning but it is one of those activities that I finish feeling a little more joy than I began with.
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