
Showing posts from October, 2016

birthday weekend in Atlantic City.

The very first trip I did with Sean�s parents was to Atlantic City. I remember them enjoying themselves so much that we made it a thing to do it yearly. The first few years it was for Sean�s birthday but then we wised up because anything done in February is so miserable and cold. We hadn�t gone in the last two years as (I like to say) life got in the way. I've been saying this a lot! We had a trip planned to Vegas for January 26th this year but you all know what happened in January so that trip was cancelled. Then we had plans for Vegas in October (this month) but Sean�s step-dad was scheduled for hip surgery few days later so we decided that we'd wait until he was better that way he could really enjoy himself. Sean�s mom did not want to have another year go by without a trip together so a trip to Atlantic City for the weekend was planned. It�s an easy trip for us to make and Sean�s parents love any excuse to come see us so it was a no-brainer. Atlantic City isn�t my abso

The Walking Dead (no spoilers)

No, no, no, no, no, no, NO! And then some yes because you can't help but love and hate the writers at the same time. That is all.

There is power in being able to relate

I remember years ago when someone would tell me that their loved one was diagnosed with cancer, I would feel sadness for them but as horrible as it sounds the sadness was fleeting. It did not affect me. It is a different reaction now. When someone tells me that their loved one was/is diagnosed with cancer my eyes immediately swell up with tears and my heart begins to ache. I tell them if they need someone to talk to, prayers, anything, I'm there for them. Their sadness is now my sadness because I know what they're going to be going through. I'm aware of what their loved one is going to be going through. I remember when my mom told me on one of her worst days that she was thankful to be going through this; because she now knew what others have gone through battling cancer. I knew what she meant but I did not want to understand it, I chose not to understand it because I was bitter watching my mom suffer. It was not fair. She did not deserve to suffer and be in the pain

Let's do all the Fall things.

When Sean and I moved to Pennsylvania three years ago we arrived during the Fall season. We made it a point to check out the nearest pumpkin patch and I remember loving it so much, especially the apple cider donuts. It was such a good day and we said we�d do it again but life got in the way and good ole pumpkin picking was no longer a priority. A few months ago, Cinthia told me that she had never gone pumpkin picking so I told her that we�d fix this immediately because there was no way this was allowed when we lived in such close proximity to several pumpkin patches. Because I already knew that the pumpkin patch we visited three years prior was a hit that was the one we decided on. The day we chose was the best day for pumpkin picking as there was truly a Fall like quality in the air, you know that good, crisp feeling. Not too hot, not too cold, just that perfect Fall weather with the addition of the brightest blue sky. We had a great day picking up the best pumpkins to adorn our