
Showing posts from March, 2018

San Francisco: Painted Ladies, Lands End Lookout & The Golden Gate Bridge

If you�ve watched just one episode of Full House, you know why I was so excited to finally be able to see the Painted Ladies in person. Sometimes when I�m very excited about something, I find that when the time comes I�m underwhelmed. And I did think that, that would be the case when I finally was able to see the Painted Ladies. But it was the total opposite. I don�t know if it was because of the gorgeous blue skies, the incredibly perfect weather or maybe the fact that it was not crowded, but I felt exactly as I thought I would. Incredibly happy and excited to see something that I�ve been hoping to see since I was a little girl. We couldn't help ourselves :) When we were planning our trip, I initially thought that we would do a little picnic on the grass while staring at the Painted Ladies, but that did not happen. Instead, we took as many pictures (and selfies, lol!) as my heart desired and then afterwards we drove to Beachside Coffee Bar and Kitchen for brunch. Be

Tidbits about my mom ?

I have this irrational fear that as the more time passes, I�ll begin to forget things my mom did, said, her gestures and how big her smile was. If it weren�t for saved voicemails, I believe I�d forgotten her soft but firm voice. It has become a bit of a ritual that every night before bed, I lay in bed and try to remember little things about my mom to keep her fresh and alive in my mind. Whenever my mom called me, she�d ask me, �How is my boy?� The boy she was referring to was Sean. Whenever I would ask my mom, �What�s up?� she would reply, �The sky�. My mom was such a great listener that when we spoke on the phone, I often thought that our call had dropped because she was so quiet. And when I would ask, �Hey mom, you there?� she would reply, �I�m here, just listening�. It wasn�t that she was quiet, it was that she was intently listening to everything you had to say. When I would gain weight, my mom would say, �You�ve been eating the junks�. And it always was with an �s� on purpose

San Francisco: Alcatraz, Union Square & more

We went to bed rather early Sunday evening as we had tickets for an Alcatraz tour . Before heading back to our hotel room Sunday evening, we stopped at CVS to pick up a few things to store in our fridge that way we could eat breakfast in our room Monday morning. It was a good call as we got to sleep in a little later as we did not have to stop to get breakfast Monday morning. I thought the area that we had to wait to board the boat was beautiful with all the succulents. I couldn't help but to take a few pictures. On the boat :) Our first sighting of the Golden Gate Bridge! This was such an exciting moment for Sean and me. Sean has always, always wanted to check out Alcatraz and me, well, not so much. I honestly thought that it was strange that people have always seemed to glamorize notorious criminals. They did bad things. Why are we so intrigued? Well, I was wrong. It was truly more like a history lesson. We learned the ins and outs of Alcatraz. We saw the conditions th