Summer Bucket List.


A few weeks ago, Cinthia and I decided to come up with a bucket list for our summer. I know, silly, but we are pretty excited for this summer because last summer I was kinda out of commission and she worked a second job so we didn�t really get to do much. This summer, we�re changing all of that. I figured I share our summer bucket list (inspired by Pinterest) and who knows; maybe you�ll be inspired to do a few of these things with the amazing girlfriends in your life.

1. Attend a state fair and eat all the fried things
2. Buy matching sunglasses
3. Have a picnic at a nearby park
4. Play with animals at the local shelter
5. Go strawberry picking
6. Go to the farmers� market
7. Make new summery cocktail recipes
8. Have a water balloon fight
9. Blow bubbles
10. Make boozy popsicles
11. Collect seashells
12. Have a beach day
13. See an action movie
14. Take a road trip
15. Stay up till dawn
16. Go to a music festival
17. Have a barbeque
18. Play pool
19. Sing in the car with the windows down (we already do this!)
20. Bury a time capsule
21. Read the same book on the beach
22. Go on a double date
23. Fly a kite
24. Try a new restaurant (al fresco preferably)
25. Take a dance class
26. Do a craft together
27. Movies at the park (we did this last summer and loved it!)

A lot of things on the list seem a little young (blow bubbles, water balloon fight and buying matching sunglasses, etc) but I think that is what we love the most about it. There�s something about summer that always makes me feel free and young. And although we may not be young in age, we like to think that we are young at heart. I�m really looking forward to crossing things off the list and I hope to share some of them with you as we cross them off! Summer 2017, here we come!


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